Error Code 400: Bad request

Error Code 400: Bad request

This Is An Unauthorized Query

What is a 400 Error?

In really simple terms, it means an unauthorized request was made, and we are not going to be able to process the request. You can try again, but if you do the same thing you just did, you'll be right back here.

In more complex terms, this site sometimes uses query strings to determine what the user is doing. A query string is that gibberish you see in the URL, after the question mark, "?". What that does is tell the browser to send the information after the "?" to the server, where scripts will read the information and return other data to the user, depending on the information sent.

If a query string has bad information, or special characters are used that are not permitted by the server, it can result in a 400 Error. Most servers have a basic level of permissions set, which enables dynamic websites to operate smoothly. However, for security purposes, some queries are not allowed because they could inadvertently give a user access to sensitive areas of a website's database or server.

How can I get rid of this screen?

Quick answer: Click here.

Long answer: You can go to the home page and start over.

If you use our buttons and navigation, you'll find your way just fine. Of course, you are welcome to self-construct any URL you wish to try, but remember, our site is designed to accept only specific inputs, in order to operate as efficiently and securely as possible.